Episode 10

Understanding the Mental Health of Your LGBTQ Teen

In this episode of Just Breathe, Heather Hester discusses mental health specific to our LGBTQ kids starting with some tough questions:

1. Why are depression and anxiety increasing in our kids when overall awareness is also increasing?

2. What are the underlying potential causes that ALL youth have in common?

3. What shifts are needed across the board ie. family/school/professionals?

Heather takes a look at the signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety as well as statistics specific to our LGBTQ kids. She talks about the importance of awareness, and being available and then takes apart the "why" as well as the "what we can do."

This episode will not only help you understand LGBTQ-specific adolescent mental health better, but it will also give you tips and information that will help you support your child.

My resources page is a great place to start! I have my favorite websites, articles, and books listed here. I refer to it often, so take a look around. I also add to it monthly, so keep an eye out for new information!

The Trevor Project is a go-to resource for saving young LGBTQ lives.

A personal favorite, Psychology Today allows you to search for all types of therapists using different filters. Love this one!

The Administration for Children and Families will allow you to search for youth and family service agencies in your region. (When in doubt, Google "youth and family services near me.")

An all-around good resource, The National Alliance on Mental Illness provides a plethora of information.

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Email: hh@chrysalismama.com

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Just Breathe: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen
Just Breathe: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen
With Host Heather Hester

About your host

Profile picture for Heather Hester

Heather Hester

Heather Hester is the founder of Chrysalis Mama which provides support and education to parents and allies of LGBTQIA adolescents, teenagers, and young adults. She is also the creator/host of the Top 1% podcast Just Breathe: Parenting your LGBTQ Teen. As an advocate and coach, she believes the coming out process is equal parts beautiful and messy. She works with her clients to let go of fear and feelings of isolation so that they can reconnect with themselves and their children with awareness and compassion. Heather also works within organizations via specialized programming to bring education and empowerment with a human touch. She is delighted to announce that her first book is out in the world as of May 2024 - Parenting with Pride: Unlearn Bias and Embrace, Empower, and Love Your LGBTQ+ Teen. Married to the funniest guy she’s ever known and the mother of four extraordinary kids (two of whom are LGBTQ) and one sassy mini bernedoodle, Heather believes in being authentic and embracing the messiness. You can almost always find her with a cup coffee nearby whether she’s at her computer, on her yoga mat, or listening to her favorite music.